What happens in Ashwamedha yajna^^^
sex with animals
Rig Veda 7.21.5 …Let our true God subdue the hostile rabble: let not the lewd[ShishanDeva] approach our holy worship.
The Sanskrit word here is Shishan+Deva which means Penis Worshipers. The word Shishan (also spelled Sisna) means Penis. Maharshi Yaska explains this verse in his book Nirukta,
”May he, the noble one, defy the manifold creatures, let phallus worshippers not penetrate our sanctuary.
May he overpower them, i.e. the manifold creatures who are hostile to us. Let the phallus worshippers, i.e. the unchaste Sisna (phallus) is derived from (the root) snath (to pierce) not approach our sanctuary, i. e. our truth, or sacrifice.”-Nirukta 4.19
Now who else could this Phallus worshippers be other than the Shiva Lingam worshippers.
Unlike some modern Hindu scholars who refuse to give the actual meaning of Shiva Linga, the Tantra or Tantric tradition of Hinduism maintains that Shiv Ling represents the male sexual organ and is worshiped for virility (and for some other reasons also), they quote this passage as proof for Penis worship,
”Mahadeva [Shiva] said: A Sadhaka wishing to worship a yoni, which is the form of the cosmos, should cause an erection and insert it into that thing which is Sakti Herself. The vagina is Mahamaya and the penis is Sadasiva. Worshipping them, one becomes liberated while still alive; there is no doubt off it. One should offer bali, flowers and so forth. If incapable of this, worship with wine, O Durga. One should do pranayama and my six limbed puja in the yoni region. After reciting the mantra 108 times at the base of the yoni, one should rub the linga and the yoni together.”- [Source: http://www.tantric-goddess.org/yoni_tantra.htm ]
"A Woman must marry a dog first if her birth charts show that she was born a Mänglík. Her Mänglík nature will kill her dog husband after suhägraat, and then she becomes pure and able bodied to be married to a man."
Marriage to dogs and animals
Any resemblance to Brahma God is purely Coincidental.
The is not a sign of oppression, it is actually a symbol of equality. It doesn't discriminates between any the beautiful or the ugly, or the stranger or wife, for that matter.
Worships cows.... Kidnaps, rapes and kills young girls
Tale of two Hanumans: Different or Same??
Hindu's vs Terrorists' Hanuman
Just Terrorists' Hanumans??

"Want a child, don't worry.. Just visit my mandir in Himachal Pradesh, and sleep on its compound's floor, you WILL become pregnant. " claims the Simsa Mata
"Other people's mom only have two legs, you have four. So lucky I am. "